What is Hypnosis?
It is a trance like, naturally occurring state of mind that can bring you into a safe, natural state of relaxation. There are many schools of thought on this, but it is generally agreed that it is a state of focused attention.
Brain scans on people who are in hypnosis show that brain wave activity moves from a Beta state to an Alpha state, and sometimes, to a Theta state. This is not dissimilar to the pattern of brain activity during meditation.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the use of different types of therapy in hypnosis, along with the mind’s own natural abilities, to resolve issues, relieve emotional burdens and achieve personal goals. It is a safe, effective process and involves the client and therapist working together to bring about positive changes in how the client thinks, feels and behaves.
What is Hypnotherapy used for?
Hypnotherapy can be used to improve, and in many cases entirely remove, any symptom or challenge that is caused by emotions, habits, behaviour or psychological issues. Experts now agree that many life problems, including physical disease, may have underlying causative factors that are predominantly psychological or emotional. Hypnotherapy works well with any issue involving psychological/emotional factors. Resolving a problem that’s “inside you but feels out of your control” can give you your life back. As well as resolving problems, many now use hypnotherapy to improve performance in sport, business, study, the arts and personal relationships. Hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility in order to promote positive changes in thoughts, It has been used for a variety of purposes. Some common uses of hypnotherapy include:
Behavioral Changes: Hypnotherapy can help individuals overcome unwanted behaviors such as smoking, overeating, nail-biting, and more. It aims to replace negative habits with healthier ones.
Stress and Anxiety Management: Hypnotherapy can be used to induce relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. It may help individuals learn techniques to manage their stress responses and develop a calmer mindset.
Phobias and Fears: Hypnotherapy can help individuals confront and manage phobias and fears. It often involves desensitization techniques and reframing negative associations.
Pain Management: Hypnotherapy has been used to manage chronic pain conditions, such as migraines, fibromyalgia, and back pain. It may help individuals alter their perception of pain and enhance their ability to cope with discomfort.
Sleep Disorders: Hypnotherapy can aid in addressing insomnia and other sleep disorders by promoting relaxation and helping individuals establish healthier sleep patterns.
Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem: Hypnotherapy can boost self-confidence and self-esteem by working on individuals’ self-perception and self-beliefs.
Performance Enhancement: Athletes, musicians, and individuals in various fields have used hypnotherapy to enhance their performance by improving focus, reducing performance anxiety, and building self-assurance.
Trauma and PTSD: Hypnotherapy can be used in combination with other therapeutic approaches to help individuals process traumatic experiences and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Habit Control: Aside from behaviors like smoking and overeating, hypnotherapy can also address other unwanted habits like nail-biting, hair-pulling, and more.
Health Conditions: While not a replacement for medical treatment, hypnotherapy has been used as a complementary approach to manage symptoms of certain health conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), allergies, and skin disorders.
Motivation and Goal Achievement: Hypnotherapy can assist individuals in setting and achieving goals by increasing motivation, focus, and determination.
Relaxation and Mindfulness: Hypnotherapy sessions often induce a deeply relaxed state, similar to guided meditation, which can help individuals develop mindfulness and relaxation skills.
It’s important to note that hypnotherapy should be conducted by trained and qualified professionals.
Hypnosis has been approved by the British Medical Association in 1955 and the American Medical Association in 1958. The American Psychological Association approved hypnosis as a science in 1960. For over 200 years prior to official recognition medical and psychological professionals were using hypnosis to benefit their patients.
What is the difference between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind?
The Conscious part of our mind deals with reasoning, calculating, analysing and remembering what we need to get through the day. The Subconscious houses all of our permanent memories, creativity, belief systems perceptions and programmed habits and behaviour. Hypnotherapy can bring the Subconscious back in harmony with the Conscious, so our experience reflects what we want, not what we are conditioned to accept.
Who Can Be Hypnotised?
Anyone who can follow simple instructions can be hypnotized. Hypnosis cannot be done against a person’s will, and is safe and effective for adults, teenagers and children.
All hypnosis is self – hypnosis.